Denise Phua

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House Visits @ Vista Residences

"PLEASE HELP YOURSELF TO THESE SNACKS, ENJOY!" was the welcoming note put up by gracious resident, Ms L, to delivery workers, cleaners, and other visitors.

I was conducting my visits to Vista Residences, one of the Balestier condos in my constituency.

It was an interesting visit to this beautiful condo (35 floors per block!) in an increasingly popular (and crowded) neighborhood.

I met a resident who shares the exact name 丽萍 as me.

Another family whose children displayed their years of education award collections (some from me) in their living room.

And others who want some facilities similar to those in public housing estates. We brainstormed ideas to mitigate disamenities due to the area’s popularity.

For years, I conduct house visits such as this with my gracious grassroots volunteers (sometimes 2-3 times a week) - and we look forward to more MCSTs opening up so residents and us can meet.

Thank you for opening your doors!